Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Math - pg. 274-276 #1-37 odd

Science - blog an entry about your progress on the final project (at least two paragraphs) IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY DO THIS YESTERDAY
Some things to address:
  • progress you have made on the project (are you almost finished? far from finished?)
  • setbacks/frustrations you have encountered
  • successes you've had so far in terms of research, using the program, coming up with ideas, interviewing people
  • anything else you want to include
- Natural Resources Final Project due this Friday 3/6 (the project is due tomorrow for band students that are going on the fieldtrip on Friday)
- Please make sure you've blogged the three prompts for science so far to receive all the credit (they impact your grade quite a bit)
Forgot the prompts? See Entry #1, Entry #2, Entry #3

- Ecology Unit Test TOMORROW (click on study guide here)
The only re-take allowed TOMORROW is for the Chapter 14 Quiz in science.

Doodle for Google examples