Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Math - pg. 277 #1-24 all
- HT Chapter 5 Test TOMORROW

Science - blog an entry about your progress on the final project (at least two paragraphs)
Some things to address:
  • progress you have made on the project (are you almost finished? far from finished?)
  • setbacks/frustrations you have encountered
  • successes you've had so far in terms of research, using the program, coming up with ideas, interviewing people
  • anything else you want to include
- Natural Resources Final Project due this Friday 3/6
- Please make sure you've blogged the three prompts for science so far to receive all the credit (they impact your grade quite a bit)
Forgot the prompts? See Entry #1, Entry #2, Entry #3

- Ecology Unit Test this Thursday 3/5 (click on study guide here)
The second trimester officially ends this Friday. Any re-takes for assessments or make-ups for assignments need to be done by TOMORROW in order to receive credit. By this Friday, the grade you have in your classes are final and will go on your report card.

Doodle for Google examples