Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Doodle for Google designs due MONDAY!!! (3/9)
Doodle for Google templates
Doodle for Google examples
Math - pg. 349 #2-22 even (Band people you are responsible for two nights of homework this weekend! We will check your Thursday AND Friday homework when you return on Monday)

Science - blog an entry about your thoughts on the result of your final project (at least two paragraphs)
Some things to address:
  • Describe what your final product looked like
  • Did it turn out better or worse than you expected? Were you surprised by what you were able to accomplish?
  • Are you happy with the effort you put in?
  • What did you learn/how did you grow as a person through doing this final project?
  • Do you think your life has been impacted as a result of this project? Why or why not?
- Please make sure you've blogged the four + (1 for today) prompts for science so far to receive all the credit (they impact your grade quite a bit)
Forgot the prompts? See Entry #1, Entry #2, Entry #3, Entry #4

Exploratory - Please take home on Monday all materials you brought for recording for GarageBand