Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Math - pg. 71 #26, 28
pg. 78 #20-22 all
pg. 83 #25-26, 28-34 even
pg. 86 #1-7 all

Science - Come prepared to do your inquiry lab on Monday (bring any materials you might need for your lab)
- Finish the Skill/Practice Sheet: Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis --- answer the first four questions, and then pick ONE of the research questions (#5-7) to do research on through the internet and write a paragraph answer the question. You can do more research questions for extra credit if you want.

Exploratory - Memorize and rehearse your speech. Don't forget to bring your movie for the movie review presentation on Monday.
- Start writing your persuasive speech, rough draft due Monday (make sure it's in your Google Docs by Sunday night)