Math - pg. 23-25 #1-5 odd, 11-19 odd, 31-35 odd, 44-46 all
- Answer your classmates' surveys on Google Docs e-mail! You MUST respond to everyone in your own core.
- Work on the Statistics Project and the POW!
- Quiz #4 next Tuesday (Covers ML 1-1 to 1-4 except 1-3)
Science - Work with your partner on Puzzling Scenarios (due next Tuesday).
- Print Chapter 4 Section 1 Guided Notes
Exploratory - Finish the final draft of your speech --- add more details to it so it's at least three minutes long. Remember to do it in your own words. Make sure it's updated in Google Docs by Sunday night, and bring a printed version to class on Monday.
Advisory - Bring your WEB Carnival permission slip. (Last day to turn it in is next Thursday!)