Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Important Reminders
- shop for your school supplies at Staples and help Ms. Sun get more classroom supplies (if you already shopped there this summer just enter your receipt information)
- Return all forms:
  • 6th Grade Syllabus due 8/27
  • Science Donation 8/27
  • Edmodo form due 8/27
  • WEB forms 9/6
  • PTA Donation due 9/13
- Back to School Night, TONIGHT @ 6:15 p.m.

- read "Forest fires burning in the Amazon raise concerns about climate change" on Newsela (log onto the Newsela website using your CUSD Google account, go to Binder and you will see the assignment posted make sure to set the lexile level to 1040L)
- Notebook Updated
- Twinkie Experiment:
  • Twinkie Drop Experiment in Notebook: CER
- Read: Pg: 23-28 textbook 

Language Arts
- Draft Narrative #6: in Google Classroom
  • Draft 1 1/2 pages, 350 words: think of your reader, expressing your tension (literary devices) and what you learned.
    • Refer to "How To Write A Powerful Personal Narratives"
    • Narrative Writing Checklist, filled out.
    • Include: transitional words, imagery, simile, flashback
    • Markup Narrative:

  • Lead (highlight)
    Where the larger meaning shows up at the beginning of your narrative (use the comment tool)
    Transitional phrases and clauses (highlight)
    Ending (highlight)
    Where the realization or insight or change in the character shows up at the end of your narrative
    (use the comment tool)
    Figurative language or symbolism (highlight)
    Dashes/parentheses/colon/semicolon to help include extra detail and explanation in some
    sentences (highlight)

- DUE Tues. 9/3: NoRedInk Assignment #1: Plural vs. Possessive Nouns due next Tues. 9/3 (in order to get to the actual assignment, NoRedInk will prompt you to pick some interests once you are done with that step you will see the assignment on the screen)

- DUE Friday 9/13: Final Personal Narrative, see Google Classroom