Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Be ready tomorrow to sign up for something to bring for the potluck this Friday!!!


- Problem-Solving #44
- December Challenge of the Month due this Thursday 12/17! (We will have a final round of workshops on Wednesday --- everyone will have to speak for a few minutes about their own work)

- Quiz #11 this Thursday 12/17!

- Chapter 16 Online Review due Friday 1/8
- bring materials you need to make the scale model (it should be complete by the end of the day Wednesday!)
- make sure you're working on your oral presentation speech: the speech should address everything in the rubric, so decide who is speaking 1 min. on which topic ASAP if you haven't already!

Also check out the rubric for the scale model to ensure you're on the right track!

- Chapter 16 Quiz this Friday 12/18!!!