Math - pg. 542-544 #1-23 odd
Science - Personal Water Audit Sheet is due Thursday. Make sure you ask your family to keep track of their water usage throughout the day for one day before Thursday.
Also, please find answers to the following questions in preparation for Thursday's class:
- How many people live in your household?
- What is your annual household income in US Dollars?
- What is the size of your house/apartment in square feet?
- What energy sources do you use in your home? (natural gas, electricity, solar, etc.)
- Out of the electricity that is used in your home, how much of it comes from renewable sources? (you might need to check with your electric company)
- how many miles do you travel by car each week?
- how many miles per year do you travel by automobiles? bus/metro? rail/train? airplane?
- what is the gas mileage of the car you travel in most often?
- do you have energy-saving features/appliances in your household? (compact fluorescent bulbs, energy efficient appliances, extra insulation, insulating blinds, solar panels, storm doors and windows, water saving fixtures)
- where does your family buy most of your food? (regular supermarkets, natural food markets like Whole Foods, farmers market?)
- how often does your family buy organic or sustainably produced foods?
- which water-saving features do you have in your home? (low flow toilets, low flow shower heads and faucets, instant water heater on sinks, rainwater catchment system, grey water recycling system, drought tolerant landscaping)
- how often does your family select cleaning products that are biodegradable or non-toxic?
- how many standard size garbage bins does your household fill each week?
- how much new clothing/footwear/sporting goods purchases does your family purchase monthly?
- how many loads of laundry does your family do each week?
- do you have a top loading or front loading washer?