Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Math - pg. 20-21 #14-30 even, 45-48 all
Use these answers to correct your homework: BE HONEST
- have a parent sign your Big Numbers Project sheet
- work on Big Numbers Project (due next Friday 9/11)

- Quiz #1 on Thursday!!! (covers sections 1-1 to 1-6)

Science - finish any work you haven't completed in your science binder thus far
- print guided notes for Section 1.3

Exploratory - practice your autobiography speech and be prepared to present tomorrow don't forget to bring your prop and grading sheet!)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Math - pg. 16-17 #14-26 even, 32-46 even, 53-56 all
Use these answers to correct your homework: BE HONEST
- work on Big Numbers Project (due Friday 9/11)

- Quiz #1 next Thursday!!! (covers sections 1-1 to 1-6)

Science - finish any work you haven't completed in your science binder thus far
- print guided notes for Section 1.3

Exploratory - memorize your autobiography speech

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Math - pg. 12-13 #16-20, 25-37 all, 40
Use these answers to correct your homework: BE HONEST

Science - finish Skill/Practice Sheet 1.2E: Observations vs. Opinions
- print guided notes for Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

Exploratory - finish writing your Autobiography speech

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Math - pg. 8-9 #11-27 odd, 40-49 all
Use these answers to correct your homework: BE HONEST

Science - finish Skill/Practice Sheet 1.1C: Hypothesis
- print guided notes for Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

Exploratory - continue to work on your Autobiography speech

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Science - print guided notes for Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3
if you haven't yet
- finish coloring face diagram (Science Binder pg. 2)

Exploratory - complete the brainstorming sheet for your autobiographical speech

Advisory - give your parents the Back to School Night information sheet

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Science - print guided notes for Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday, August, 21, 2009

- parent survey due Monday (make sure they do it by Sunday night)
- About Me T-Shirt due Monday (make sure the entire T-shirt is colored NICELY)
- student/partner survey due Monday
- bring $4 for science binder if you haven't already by Monday
- classroom job application due Monday
- sign-in to Google Apps, sign up for Scribd and Ning

There has been problems with setting up your calendar in your Google App account, so e-mail me and I'll give you the new directions.

About Me T-Shirt instructions:

#1 - Alliteration adjective that goes with first name
#2 - Write or draw 2-3 things you enjoy doing
#3 - Name a real or pretend place you would like to visit
#4 - Write a word you'd like people to say when they describe you
#5 - Write a wish you have for yourself

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

- parent survey due Monday
- About Me T-Shirt due Monday

#1 - Alliteration adjective that goes with first name
#2 - Write or draw 2-3 things you enjoy doing
#3 - Name a real or pretend place you would like to visit
#4 - Write a word you'd like people to say when they describe you
#5 - Write a wish you have for yourself

Clarification: Some people have asked why you need a 8GB USB. If you haven't purchased it already, you can wait for it to go on sale and buy it later on in the year and just bring a smaller one for now. The reason we need 8GB is because later on, when we work with iMovie and Garageband --- those files are extremely large!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Supply List for the Year

You are required to come to class PREPARED EVERYDAY with the following supplies:

☼ Lawson planner
☼ pencil pouch/pencil box to hold supplies in
☼ pencils
☼ small, personal pencil sharpener with enclosed container
☼ 1 box of colored pencils
☼ ballpoint pens: ONE of each — blue, black and red (no felt-tip, sharpies or gel pens)
☼ 1 ruler (marked with centimeters and inches)
☼ USB flash drive with at least 8 GB
☼ 2 pocket folders (for elective and homework)
☼ 1 non-clicking eraser
☼ highlighters: green, yellow, pink, and blue
☼ $4 for the standardized science binder that Lawson will supply
☼ a reading book
☼ 3-ring 1.5” binder
☼ portable 3-hold punch (that fits in your binder)
☼ 8 dividers
☼ lined paper/binder paper (college rule)
☼ 1 college rule notebook 8.5”x11” (for math)
☼ round-edged scissors
☼ 1 glue stick
☼ 1 whiteboard marker and a sock
☼ 1 three-prong portfolio (for 6th grade manual)
☼ post-it notes/flags (optional)
☼ markers (optional)
☼ white-out (optional)
☼ tape (optional)

Math supplies needed in the future but do not need to be brought in yet:
☼ graph paper (4x4 square/inch)
☼ protractor
☼ compass
☼ calculator

There will be a supply check on Wednesday, August 26 in Ms. Yong’s class.

Classroom Donations (optional — bring to either teacher)
☼ kleenex
☼ paper towels
☼ hand sanitizer
☼ glue sticks
☼ dry erase markers
☼ thick Crayola markers
☼ Sharpie markers (students are not allowed to use these on campus usually, but
teachers are allowed to distribute for projects on a need basis)
☼ 4x6 index cards
☼ white-out