Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Science - finish Acid Rain/Sediment Lab Questions (click on the link)
- finish the Food Chain Diagram on pg. 81 of notebook (fill-in-the-blank and color nicely!)
- finish the reflection question on pg. 80 of notebook: Who do you think is to blame for all the dead fish in Gray Bay? Why? What have you learned about human actions/activities as they relate to the acid rain/sediment problem as well as general pollution to the environment?
All of the above will be stamped after Thanksgiving!
- Skill/Practice Sheet "Ecosystem Interactions" due Friday 12/5

- Chapter 15 Quiz on Monday 12/1!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Math - pg. 225-226 #2-32 even

- Quiz #6 tomorrow! (will cover sections 6-1 to 6-3)

Science - finish Acid Rain/Sediment Lab Questions (click on the link)
- Study for the Roundabout Game Vocabulary on pg. 82 of notebook (must know for the game tomorrow!)
- finish the Food Chain Diagram on pg. 81 of notebook (fill-in-the-blank and color nicely!)
- finish the reflection question on pg. 80 of notebook: Who do you think is to blame for all the dead fish in Gray Bay? Why? What have you learned about human actions/activities as they relate to the acid rain/sediment problem as well as general pollution to the environment?

All of the above will be stamped after Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Math - pg. 225-226 #1-33 odd

- Quiz #6 on Tuesday 11/25!

Science - finish Acid Rain/Sediment Lab Questions (click on the link)
- print Chapter 15 Section 3 Guided Notes (will be up on the website on Sunday)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Math - pg. 222-223 #2-42 even
Science - Finish Food Web Simulation Questions in your notebook pg. 77 (will be stamped tomorrow!)

a. What species did you represent in the investigation?
b. Were you a producer or a consumer? If you were a consumer, what kind were you? Explain your reasoning.
c. A deadly disease kills off the species that you represented in the food web. Identify three other organisms in the food web that would be affected by this loss. What would happen to each of them?
d. What would happen to the food web if all of the plant species were sprayed by chemicals and killed? Explain your reasoning.
5. Why is it crucial that both predators and prey live in an ecosystem? Explain your reasoning.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Math - pg. 222-223 #1-43 odd
Science - Print Chapter 15 Section 2 Guided Notes
- Finish Food Web Simulation Questions in your notebook pg. 77

a. What species did you represent in the investigation?
b. Were you a producer or a consumer? If you were a consumer, what kind were you? Explain your reasoning.
c. A deadly disease kills off the species that you represented in the food web. Identify three other organisms in the food web that would be affected by this loss. What would happen to each of them?
d. What would happen to the food web if all of the plant species were sprayed by chemicals and killed? Explain your reasoning.
5. Why is it crucial that both predators and prey live in an ecosystem? Explain your reasoning.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Math - pg. 219-220 #2-24 even, 26-33 all
Science - Print Chapter 15 Section 2 Guided Notes

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Math - pg. 219-220 #1-25 odd

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Math - pg. 208-209 #1, 3 in Sets A-H

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Math - pg. 204-205 #1-13 all

- End of Trimester Notebook Check tomorrow! See the updated Table of Contents.

Science - Some concepts to know for the unit test tomorrow: (will cover chapters 4-6)
Definitions ---
kinetic energy
radiant energy
relative humidity
convection cells

Concepts ---
  • the difference in atom movement in gases, liquids, and solids
  • the difference in atom speed in warm and cool objects
  • cause of seasons
  • difference between mass and weight and how gravity affects them
  • role of greenhouse effects in the Earth's atmosphere
  • cause of surface ocean currents & deep ocean currents
  • what factors affect the density of an object and how you can increase or decrease the density of an object
  • know the difference between conduction, convection, and radiation and how they apply in real life (for example, when you cook marshmallows by the fire, that's through radiation)
  • how energy affects the speed of atoms and the temperature of objects
  • how much water vapor warm air/cold air can hold
  • factors that affect weather
  • source of Earth's surface temperature
  • types of energy produced by light bulb
  • cause of gyre/wind curving as they flow
  • cause of wind
  • direction of gyres in the northern and southern hemisphere
  • what happens to the density of a substance if you add more of the SAME substance to it (this is tricky so think carefully about it!)
  • units used in expressing mass, volume, and density
  • why Earth's heat/water temperature is good for living things
  • how Earth's atmosphere, rotation, distance from the sun, and revolution around the sun keep the Earth "just right" (this is an essay question on the test, and you must be able to explain them in detail!)
  • cause of convection currents
  • why the northern hemisphere has warmer temperatures in the summer and cooler temperatures in the winter
  • how heat energy is spread by radiation, conduction, and convection in a city
Calculations ---
  • final temperature after mixing two liquids with different temperatures
  • volume of an object (know how to calculate it for solids and when it's immersed in water)
  • density

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Math - officially back in the old book until December! pg. 203 #1-25 all
- ML Chapter 2 Test tomorrow!
- End of Trimester Notebook Check on Friday!

Science - Some concepts to know for the quiz tomorrow:
  • surface ocean currents
  • deep ocean currents
  • the reason why the Earth's temperature is fairly constant (not too hot and not too cold)
  • what would happen to the day and night temperature/length of day if the Earth's rotation was slower or faster (think about the planet Mercury!)
  • difference between the water at the pole and the equator
  • what would happen to the Earth's surface temperature if there was no atmosphere
  • relative humidity and what happens to the humidity when air volume increases/decreases
  • rotation
  • revolution
  • evaporation
  • weather
  • condensation
  • climate
  • seasons
  • gyre
  • wind
  • difference between climate and weather
- Chapter 6 Quiz tomorrow!
- Heat Transfer Unit Test on Friday!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Math - pg. 199 #1-17 odd (in the old book)
- ML Chapter 2 Test on Thursday!
- End of Trimester Notebook Check on Friday! See the updated Table of Contents. (Thanks Koushik!)

Science - Solar Heating Inquiry Lab due Wednesday
You lab report should include the following sections:
Data (in the form of graphs --- can be hand-drawn if you don't know how to do it on the computer --- but make sure it looks very neat and professional either way! You should have a line graph of your own data and a bar graph of your whole group's data)
Conclusion: CER (the conclusion should be the LONGEST part of your lab report --- I should see a sentence or two in your claim, two paragraphs in your evidence, and at least one paragraph in your reasoning)

Frequently Asked Questions ---
Q: What fonts can I use?
A: Either Times New Roman or Garamond in size 12 (make sure your report is double-spaced)
Q: What do you mean by double-space?
A: There should be a space in between each line of the report, NOT an extra space after each sentence. The easy way to do this is NOT to hit "return" twice. In Word, go to the top "Format" menu, under "Paragraph," where it says "Line Spacing," change the setting to "Double."

Q: Can I use a different font for my section headings?
A: Yes as long as it is legible and does not have too weird of a look or too many curly tails!

Q: Do I need to have graphs for my own data and the whole group's?
A: You need a line graph for your own data, and a bar graph to show the whole group's data. The graphs can be done with a computer software or by hand, as long as it's neat and looks professional.

Q: Do I need to staple the rubric to the top of my report?
A: Yes!

- End of Trimester Notebook Check on Wednesday! See the updated Table of Contents. (Thanks Alvin!)
- Chapter 6 Quiz on Thursday!
- Heat Transfer Unit Test on Friday (will cover chapters 4-6)! The best way to study for this test is to answer all the questions at the end of each chapter in your textbook!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Math - pg. 98-99 #22-25 all, 27-41 odd
- ML Chapter 2 Test next Thursday!
- End of Trimester Notebook Check next Friday!

Science - print Chapter 6 Section 3 Guided Notes
- Skill/Practice Sheet: Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis due TOMORROW!!!
- Solar Heating Inquiry Lab due next Wednesday

- End of Trimester Notebook Check next Wednesday!
- Chapter 6 Quiz next Thursday!
- Heat Transfer Unit Test next Friday!

Exploratory - Practice speeches if you have not presented.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Math - pg. 97-99 #1-15 odd, 26-36 even, 47-50 all
- ML Chapter 2 Test next Thursday!
- End of Trimester Notebook Check next Friday!

Science - notebook will be stamped from pg. 57-59, 64 tomorrow
- print Chapter 6 Section 2 Guided Notes
- Skill/Practice Sheet: Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis due this Friday!

- End of Trimester Notebook Check next Wednesday!
- Chapter 6 Quiz next Thursday!
- Heat Transfer Unit Test next Friday!

Exploratory - Practice speeches if you have not presented.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Math - pg. 90-92 #2-18 even, 19-21 all, 36-38 all
- ML Chapter 2 Test next Thursday!
- End of Trimester Notebook Check next Friday!

Science - notebook will be stamped tomorrow for completion of all the labs we've done thus far from pg. 36-59 so make sure they are all done!
- print Chapter 6 Section 2 Guided Notes
- Skill/Practice Sheet: Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis due this Friday!

- End of Trimester Notebook Check next Wednesday!
- Chapter 6 Quiz next Thursday!
- Heat Transfer Unit Test next Friday!

Exploratory - Practice speeches if you have not presented.

Advisory - Finish Get Set Lesson #7 journal section. Due Thursday, 11/6!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Math - pg. 90-92 #1-17 odd, 31-35 odd, 39-40, 42-44 all

Science - Come prepared to do your inquiry lab tomorrow (bring any materials you might need for your lab)
- Finish the Skill/Practice Sheet: Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis --- answer the first four questions, and then pick ONE of the research questions (#5-7) to do research on through the internet and write a paragraph answer the question. You can do more research questions for extra credit if you want.